
Adult bible Classes
and educational opportunities 

Classes for adults are offered at a variety of times, including Sunday mornings.

sunday morning classes

Sunday morning classes begin at 9:30am.  Childcare is available for our Sunday morning classes. Here is the list of current class offerings:

A study from the New Testament and Paul’s Epistle of Joy, beginning with Philippians Chapter 2, led by Doug Bovard in the Bethany Room.

John, Jude & Ezekiel in the book of  1 John, led by Mark Rackley in the Chapel.

The book of Genesis, Chapters 34-60, using a book by author, John MacArthur, led Sharon Salvini & Devin Underwood in Fellowship Hall.

Small Group for Women, discussion of the book, “Now and Not Yet” by Ruth Cho Simons, led by Becky Yanak, in Room 224. The author, using scripture, leads the reader into “something more powerful: the truth about what God says about our unwanted and not-yet- wonderful circumstances and how he works in and through them, even now.

weekday classes

Men’s Huddle is a bible study group for men who want to delve into the bible together.  They meet on Mondays at 6:30pm in the church.