August Newsletter
Pastor's Note
I want to take a moment to thank you all for an amazing first summer here at Bethany Presbyterian Church, and it’s not over yet. I am looking forward to taking in a ball game with you on August 27 and spending some time getting ready for the Fall. As we move into a new program year, we are excited to see so many of you coming home to church. The church has always been a place where I have love coming. As a child and teenager, I always knew that church was a place where I would be known and loved.
I hope that as September approaches and the busyness of a new school and work year loom, we will all find time to be with one another and with God. We now know how deeply God loves us and that we have been built for community and companionship. We know this because God desires to be with us. Samuel Wells notes that the word “with” may be the most important in the New Testament. Immanuel means God with us. That is Jesus desires to be near each one of us. That is why we speak of the incarnation. The Word made flesh. When we speak of incarnational ministry we are speaking of ministry in person, one site, with one another. Our summer mission trip to West Virginia, and our VBS signify great strides toward embracing that reality of the church once again.
We cannot wait to begin a new program year here at Bethany Church, with all of its attendant joys, love, community, and occasional frustrations. We are here to listen, so that we can be here to serve, and here to love. See you soon.
I hope that as September approaches and the busyness of a new school and work year loom, we will all find time to be with one another and with God. We now know how deeply God loves us and that we have been built for community and companionship. We know this because God desires to be with us. Samuel Wells notes that the word “with” may be the most important in the New Testament. Immanuel means God with us. That is Jesus desires to be near each one of us. That is why we speak of the incarnation. The Word made flesh. When we speak of incarnational ministry we are speaking of ministry in person, one site, with one another. Our summer mission trip to West Virginia, and our VBS signify great strides toward embracing that reality of the church once again.
We cannot wait to begin a new program year here at Bethany Church, with all of its attendant joys, love, community, and occasional frustrations. We are here to listen, so that we can be here to serve, and here to love. See you soon.
Upcoming Events
Golden Oldies Trip - August 11
Bethany Golden Oldies who are going on the trip to Sugar Creek, OH on August 11 must be at Bethany no later than 6:45AM. Our coach bus will depart at 7AM sharp. Bring a bag or container to hold what you purchase at our stops, and a small towel or blanket to help with the bus air conditioning. Please note that we have some people going who have allergies, so please refrain from wearing any perfume or cologne on the bus.
Golden Oldies Luncheon - Aug 19
BYG Bike Ride - August 21
BYG will be having a bike ride on the Montour Trail on August 21 from 2-4:30 p.m. Contact Joan Kundra at 412-498-5118 for more information.
Annual Church Picnic - August 22
We are excited to announce the Annual Church Picnic is back this year on August 22 at Chartiers Park. Let’s gather and celebrate together once again as we see friends and family that we have been apart from for so long. Stay tuned for more information!
Register Today: Pirates Game - August 27
Take us out to the ball game! On Friday, August 27, together as a church family we will be cheering on the Pirates as they take on the St. Louis Cardinals. Whether you are a Buccos fan, or are providing moral support, you won't want to miss this fun night out. Bring your friends and family and enjoy the beautiful city skyscape on one of the last summer evenings.
Game tickets are $10 and include a $5 voucher that can be used on food or drink. You can pay online or bring a cash/check to the church, but we ask that you register so we have an accurate headcount. Register today:
Teacher and Leadership Training
August 28 Saturday, August 28 from 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., we will be having a Leadership Training for Disciples of Christ. If you've ever taught or thought about teaching Sunday School or leading a Small Group or becoming a Youth Leader please attend. All are welcome! Register today:
Pastor Brian’s Installation Service - September 12
We will officially be welcoming Pastor Brian as our Senior Pastor on September 12. The service will begin at 4:00 p.m. and will be followed by a dinner. We look forward to seeing you there!
Trunk or Treat - October 30
Mark your calendar! Trunk or Treat is coming back this year and we are so excited to see everyone’s creative trunk ideas!
Golden Oldies Trip - November 2 and 3
The Golden Oldies are going to see “Esther” at the Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster, and “Momma Mia” at the Apple Dinner Theater. We will be leaving on Tuesday, November 2, and returning on Wednesday, November 3. You do not have to be a Golden Oldie to come along. Two people sharing a room is $325.00 per person. Reservation forms are at the reception desk.
Bethany Golden Oldies who are going on the trip to Sugar Creek, OH on August 11 must be at Bethany no later than 6:45AM. Our coach bus will depart at 7AM sharp. Bring a bag or container to hold what you purchase at our stops, and a small towel or blanket to help with the bus air conditioning. Please note that we have some people going who have allergies, so please refrain from wearing any perfume or cologne on the bus.
Golden Oldies Luncheon - Aug 19
BYG Bike Ride - August 21
BYG will be having a bike ride on the Montour Trail on August 21 from 2-4:30 p.m. Contact Joan Kundra at 412-498-5118 for more information.
Annual Church Picnic - August 22
We are excited to announce the Annual Church Picnic is back this year on August 22 at Chartiers Park. Let’s gather and celebrate together once again as we see friends and family that we have been apart from for so long. Stay tuned for more information!
Register Today: Pirates Game - August 27
Take us out to the ball game! On Friday, August 27, together as a church family we will be cheering on the Pirates as they take on the St. Louis Cardinals. Whether you are a Buccos fan, or are providing moral support, you won't want to miss this fun night out. Bring your friends and family and enjoy the beautiful city skyscape on one of the last summer evenings.
Game tickets are $10 and include a $5 voucher that can be used on food or drink. You can pay online or bring a cash/check to the church, but we ask that you register so we have an accurate headcount. Register today:
Teacher and Leadership Training
August 28 Saturday, August 28 from 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., we will be having a Leadership Training for Disciples of Christ. If you've ever taught or thought about teaching Sunday School or leading a Small Group or becoming a Youth Leader please attend. All are welcome! Register today:
Pastor Brian’s Installation Service - September 12
We will officially be welcoming Pastor Brian as our Senior Pastor on September 12. The service will begin at 4:00 p.m. and will be followed by a dinner. We look forward to seeing you there!
Trunk or Treat - October 30
Mark your calendar! Trunk or Treat is coming back this year and we are so excited to see everyone’s creative trunk ideas!
Golden Oldies Trip - November 2 and 3
The Golden Oldies are going to see “Esther” at the Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster, and “Momma Mia” at the Apple Dinner Theater. We will be leaving on Tuesday, November 2, and returning on Wednesday, November 3. You do not have to be a Golden Oldie to come along. Two people sharing a room is $325.00 per person. Reservation forms are at the reception desk.
Posted in Newsletters